My original amateur astronomer cartoons - yes, there is such a thing


Cartoon: Rival gangs The Southside Refractor Crew (saying, "No collimation, Grab 'n go, and Unobstructed razor sharp views," meets the Dob Boys, saying "Aperture, aperture, aperture!"

Two frame cartoon: First frame: Guy on reclining chair watching meteors says, "C'mon, just one more." Second Frame, he turns away to leave, saying, "What a dud shower," as a huge fireball sizzles behind him.

Cartoon: Guy with big dob with cover still over the aperture says, " Wow! He's right. This sure is a dark sky site."

4 frame cartoon: Astronoboy at the table with peas on his plate, playing astronomical games with them.

Cartoon: Two observers at a scope in winter in the middle of nowhere. One says, "What eyepieces?"

Cartoon: Kid holding sparkler over astronomer in bed, who sits up yelling, "Leonid storm! Leonid storm!"

Cartoon: Huge UFO appears in front of guy with telescope. He's yelling, "Hey, you're blocking my view!"

Cartoon: Two hunters approach an astronomer lying on ground next to his dob that's full of holes, saying "We thought you was a deer."

Cartoon: Lady in hat with handbag and flashlight says to Astronoboy looking in the refractor, "So, how about showing Aunt Agnes the Zodiac or something." Astronoboy replies to himself, "Die, nitwit."

Cartoon: Repairman with butt sticking out of the end of a huge telescope with all sorts of gadgets on it says, "Yep. That's it all right. Oh boy. You're looking at a new reactor core buddy!" Astronoboy says, "They told me this was a starter scope."

Cartoon: Wife reading in chair asks, "So how's that new article on collimating your scope?" Husband standing behind her with scope tube on his head.

Cartoon: Russian space official standing next to NASA engineer who is looking at a tiny satellite on a table that is beeping. Russian saying, "That's our new cheaper and better space station. We call it 'Mere.'" (spelled M-e-r-e)

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