Saturday, December 30, 2023

Rebuilding the Space Walk Among the Stars library

I have begun resurrecting the starhopping audio guides I did back around 2008 and have posted the seven that I had completed: The Orion Nebula, The Rosette Nebula, Star Clusters M46 and M47, Galaxies M81 and M82, the Owl Nebula and Galaxy M108, the Whale, Hockey Stick, and Mice Galaxies, and the Andromeda Galaxy. See the "Quick hops" links on the right. I have drafts of several more that I will attempt to finalize into recordings and charts in the coming days, weeks, months...

Friday, December 29, 2023

Welcome to Astronomerica, a resource for visual amateur astronomer observers on a budget!

Astronomerica is my way of sharing my enthusiasm for amateur astronomy with others to help them enjoy amateur astronomy as much as I do. I am strictly a visual observer, that is, looking directly with my own eyes, binoculars, or a telescope at the night sky. You might be into imaging these objects, but Astronomerica is all about just looking with your own eyes and admiring the universe first hand. It's an intimate relationship that can really be fulfilling.

If you are new to astronomy, or just want to learn a little more about how to use your telescope, try out the Space Walk Among the Stars audio guides. They will help you find, observe, and learn about a variety of deep space objects. You will also learn the skill of "starhopping," which is finding objects in the night sky without electronic assistance such as "go-to" or systems that navigate via your cell phone. Many basic telescopes do not have this feature, and it's up to you to learn the sky using a chart or charting app. I recommend and use Sky Safari Pro, because it has a very large database of objects- all you will probably ever need. (The free Legacy version is all you'll need to get started with the audio guides.) There are other apps, and some old timers still use paper charts, but I gave those up long ago and view Sky Safari on my red filtered Chromebook or cell phone while I am at the telescope. 

I have kept observing notes since I started observing back around 1990. I may also post some material from those from time to time, and possibly some other material. Who knows!