Saturday, May 11, 2024

Markarian’s Chain of Galaxies in 3D

Photo of Markarian's Chain of galaxies
Markarian's Chain of Galaxies image by PJ Singh (paramsach). (CC)

Markarian’s Chain is a curved line of galaxies starting in the constellation Virgo and straying into Coma Berenices. Many of them can be seen in backyard telescopes, including the Messier galaxies M84, M86, and M87, as well as the interacting galaxies known as “The Eyes,” NGC 4435 and NGC 4438. The group is a favorite target for amateur astronomers venturing into the Virgo Cluster of galaxies.

The group was named after Benjamin Markarian, an Armenian astrophysicist who discovered that at least seven of the galaxies have a common motion through space. This chain is part of the Virgo Cluster, which is the closest galaxy cluster to our own Local Group, centered about 50 to 70 million light years away. The Virgo Cluster contains at least 2,000 galaxies.

See this Sky & Telescope article for a chart and directions for navigating to Markarian’s Chain.

See for more information on the individual galaxies and close up images.

Markarian's chain with galaxies labeled.

The following stereoscopic pairs, derived from the images above, illustrate the relative distances of the various galaxies in the chain. INSTRUCTIONS on how to see the depth in these images. South is up.

Click on images for larger scale to read labels.


With labels:

3D steroscopic parallel view of Markarian's Chain with labels.


3D steroscopic cross view of Markarian's Chain.

With labels:

3D steroscopic parallel view of Markarian's Chain with labels.


Markarian's Chain

Galaxy      Dist. (MLY)    Mag

NGC4479       60            12.6
NGC4388       57            10.9
NGC4387       56            12.0
NGC4478       55            11.3
NGC4477       55            10.3
NGC4476       55            12.3
NGC4425       55            11.9
M84                55              9.0
NGC4458       54            12.0
M87                53              8.7
NGC4486A     52            12.1
NGC4438       52            10.0
NGC4435       52            10.6
M86                52              8.8
NGC4413       51            12.1
NGC4506       50            12.7
NGC4473       50            10.1
NGC4461       50            10.9
NGC4459       50            10.3
NGC4402       50            11.9

Friday, May 3, 2024

Galaxies viewed from intergalactic space

When we look out into the universe from Earth, from within our Milky Way galaxy, we are looking through a lot of static. This static is all the stars, clusters, nebulae, and dust in our own galaxy. When we look outward through the plane of the galaxy we see more static (the Milky Way in our night sky), somewhat less when we look above or below the plane.

Look at any image of a galaxy and you’ll see lots of stars. But except for some high-powered images of very close galaxies, these are all Milky Way stars just getting in the way. Sure, it makes a pretty picture, but the reality of it is that we are looking at a very distant object, the galaxy, through a screen of very close objects, all of the Milky Way stars and objects.

At outreach events, I try to give people a sense of this by describing it as looking out of a car windshield in the rain at another car way down the road. The raindrops on the windshield are the stars in our own galaxy, and the car is another galaxy.

If we took away all the foreground stars and objects—wiping the windshield, as it were—we would get a better picture of what specific galaxies look like from intergalactic space. When looking in a telescope, foreground stars often distort the view of the faint galaxy and we even get used to foreground star patterns as if they are part of the galaxy. But they aren’t.

This is just another way of looking at our universe from a different perspective. In this case, a perspective we will never have the chance to actually experience. But we can simulate that experience as if we were in an intergalactic spacecraft, traveling through the universe as we pass galaxy after galaxy. There isn’t a whole lot of anything visible between galaxies. We might pass the occasional intergalactic star close enough to see it, but mostly we would be passing through very rarified ionized hydrogen gas with some other elements thrown in—essentially a pristine view through a clean windshield.

Here are some examples of what we might see from the window of our intergalactic spacecraft:

M31, The Andromeda Galaxy

At 2.5 million light years from Earth, M31 is a member of our local group of galaxies. Larger telescopes can make out several dust lanes, many of the galaxy’s globular clusters, as well as larger nebulae. It has two satellite galaxies, M32 (above) and M110 (below), seen in these images with south up.

The view through the stars in our own galaxy:

Photo of the Andromeda Galaxy with foreground stars.

Our view from intergalactic space:

Photo of M31 by Hypatia Alexandria (CC). Starless version created with StarNet.

NGC 2403

Farther away at 8 million light years is the spiral galaxy NGC 2403. The galaxy is about 50,000 light years in diameter. It contains a huge HII star-forming region, NGC 2404, almost 1,000 light years in diameter itself, visible as a pink spot on the right side of the center of the galaxy in this image with south up. Notice the distant galaxy in the upper left.

The view through the stars in our own galaxy:

Photo of NGC 2403 with foreground stars.

Our view from intergalactic space:

Photo of NGC 2403 with foreground stars removed.

Photo of NGC 2403 by Carsten Frenzl (CC). Starless version created with StarNet.

NGC 4038 and 4039 (The Antennae)

NGC 4038 and 4039 are colliding and merging galaxies also known as The Antennae or Ring Tail Galaxies (ARP 244). The tidal tails looking like insect antennae are a result of this interaction, and can be seen better without the intervening Milky Way star screen. The galaxies are about 45 million light years away.

The view through the stars in our own galaxy:

Photo of the Antennae Galaxies with foreground stars.

Our view from intergalactic space:

Photo of Antennae galaxies by Nicholas Jones (CC). Starless version created with StarNet and

Supernova in M101

One of the few times we can ever see a star in another galaxy in our backyard telescopes is when it explodes as a supernova, sometimes outshining its entire galaxy. The images below show the recent Supernova 2023ixf in one of the outer arms of the large spiral galaxy M101, 21 million light years away. The supernova is below and left of the center of the galaxy, apparently embedded in the HII region NGC 5461. The detached blue spot to the left of the galaxy is NGC 5471, a massive star-forming HII region in its outer arm, about 200 times the size of the Orion Nebula, M42. That's a distant galaxy, PGC 49919 at about 100 million light years distant, on the right edge of the image. 

The view through the stars in our own galaxy:

Photo of M101 with supernova and foreground stars.

Our view from intergalactic space:

Photo of M101 and SN2023ixf by Jason Allread (CC). Starless version created with StarNet and

Thursday, April 18, 2024

Light pollution and the future of amateur astronomy

Photo of the U.S. Capitol dome at night with a bright, unshielded lightpost in the foreground.
Photo by VillageHero (CC)

A thread on the Cloudy Nights forum got me thinking about light pollution and the future of amateur astronomy, especially the visual astronomy that I love so much. I can only say for certain that amateur astronomy, for those whom circumstances allow, will still be an enjoyable hobby in the future in some form or another.

Based on trends I'm seeing now from my limited point of view, cheap Electronically Assisted Astronomy (EAA), or some semblance of it, will likely be the mainstream portal for new amateur astronomers or casual hobbyists until the next big thing comes along. We're almost there already. EAA is the use of a camera in lieu of an eyepiece at the telescope to capture and view images in near real time. It has recently become more affordable with the introduction of the Seestar S50 Smart Telescope, which is often paired with a tablet on a tripod for viewing its images. While still hindered by light pollution, these telescopes can cut through much of it, making for satisfying imaging even in light polluted areas.

People want to create something to share on social media, not just look at stuff. Who creates astro images and doesn't share them online? Here I am sharing material on visual observing because I can't share the actual views themselves, other than describing them in words or sketches. Social validation is huge in our society, probably always has been, and I don't see that changing.

I think most astro-imaging will be done from the comfort of home using data obtained in the backyard, from remote telescopes, and from data shared online (like Hubble data). Why drive way out, freeze in the cold, set up equipment, etc. when it will no longer be necessary? 

Will light pollution still be an issue for amateur astronomers? I think it will likely only be a pressing issue for a shrinking group of visual astronomers. Imagers, who used to be the biggest proponents of keeping the sky and observing field dark, now can obtain and process fantastic images from horribly light polluted locations, like this one from someone's backyard in Washington, DC. They can reject frames ruined by light, satellites, planes, clouds, etc. Sure, dark skies are better, but are no longer essential to create great deep-sky images. Visual observers have no such recourse.

At our public and club-only star parties, imagers are now the ones with bright unshielded screens, along with those with EAA setups, because dark adaptation no longer matters to them. At the latest public event, a young girl asked me, "Why do you ban white lights and pass out red filter material for our phones when you all have your bright white screens on?" I couldn't answer her.

In the foreseeable future, I think a few visual observers will be the only amateur astronomers with the self-interest to fight light pollution, and it may be mainly wildlife enthusiasts that take up the torch (see what I did there). I think most visual observers will just drive (or move) somewhere darker, or observe the bright planets, the Moon, the Sun, and double stars at or closer to home. That's what I do now.

Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Corvus in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CORVUS, The Crow

2D image of the main stars of constellation Corvus.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Corvus.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Corvus with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Corvus.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Corvus with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

ε                               3.0          318
Gienah (γ)                2.6          154
Kraz (β)                    2.7          146
δ                               3.0           87
η                               4.3           60
α                          4.0           49

Hydra in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

HYDRA, The Water Snake

2D image of the main stars of constellation Hydra.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Hydra.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Hydra with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Hydra.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Hydra with labels.


Object        Magnitude    Dist. (light years)
η                         4.3           590
σ                         4.4           370
ρ                         4.3           350
58 (E)                 4.4           330
β                         4.3           310
υ                         4.1           264
ι                          3.9           263
μ                         3.8           234
Alphard (α)         2.0           180
ζ                         3.1           167
δ                         4.1           160
ν                         3.1           144
γ                         3.0           134
ξ                         3.5           130
ε                         3.4           129
λ                         3.6           113
θ                         3.9           113
π                        3.5           101

Lacerta in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LACERTA, The Lizard

2D image of the main stars of constellation Lacerta.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lacerta.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lacerta with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lacerta.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lacerta with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

4                                 4.6         2,200
6                                 4.5         1.700
5                                 4.3         1,600
1                                 4.1            620
2                                 4.6            550
HR 8485                     4.5            480
11                               4.5            330
β                                 4.4            170
α                                 3.8            103

Saturday, March 30, 2024

Who says blind people can't observe, too?

My goal is to share my enthusiasm for amateur astronomy observation with as many people as I can. I was thinking that the audio Space Walk Among the Stars guides would be great for blind and partially blind people, except it's completely visual based. So I thought, why not at least try to translate the visual aspect into the sense of touch and make a virtual Space Walk for someone who has never seen the night sky? So I did. Hopefully it conveys some of the pleasure and wonder of observing the night sky.

Virtual Space Walk for the Blind - Winter

Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Eyepiece cheat codes: Determining directions in the telescope

Eyepiece cheat codes logo
In the Space Walk Among the Stars audio guides, I frequently refer to compass directions or position angle. Sometimes I say "right" or "left" from a path we're following in the scope, but that really only applies to Newtonian reflectors, and for that I apologize.

Directions in the telescope can be confusing for beginners and even long time observers. It all depends on how many mirrors your telescope has. Generally, an odd number, and your telescope will mirror-reverse the view. An even number and your telescope will rotate the view 180 degrees.

A Newtonian reflector has two mirrors, the primary at the bottom of the tube and the secondary, the smaller one which directs the light to the eyepiece. In this case, an even number, therefore the view is rotated 180 degrees. (The view is rotated additionally because your focuser is usually located off to the side and your eye is positioned differently throughout the sky, so don’t assume south is always “up.”)

Most people with refractors and Cassegrain telescopes use a 90-degree mirror star diagonal before the eyepiece to give a more comfortable viewing position. That counts as one mirror in a refractor and three in a Cassegrain (which has a primary and secondary mirror plus the diagonal). An odd number, therefore these telescopes will keep the image correct side up, but mirror-reversed. (How your diagonal is rotated will affect what direction is actually "up" in your view.)

If you use an “erect image prism diagonal,” such as an Amici prism or pentaprism, in your refractor or Cassegrain, then you get a “correct image” that is neither rotated nor mirror-reversed (but there may be disadvantages that I won’t get into here).

One thing that stays the same regardless of your telescope type is that without any tracking motor engaged, the stars will always drift to the west (or, if you like, enter the field of view from the east). That’s because the Earth is rotating toward the east, and your telescope is fixed to the Earth. So you can always start with an easy reference point by noting the direction toward which the stars are drifting- that’s west. From there, you apply the correct diagram below and you are good to go!

If you’re interested in more information on how your equipment affects image orientation, see this article from the British Astronomical Association.

Choose the diagram that applies to your telescope

In all telescopes, stars and other objects will always drift to the WEST if the scope does not have a tracking motor operating. Know your telescope and directions in the eyepiece. 

The diagrams below show an example of how position angle (PA) is used to indicate the direction from a primary star to its secondary companion (PA 225 in this example) in reflectors and refractors/Cassegrains (with diagonal). You can also give any directions in the sky using PA or compass direction (270 or west, for example), as in many of these Space Walks. This view would be facing south.

This is for a NEWTONIAN REFLECTOR, such as a Dobsonian, and also for a straight-through finderscope. These show the image rotated 180 degrees from what you would see just looking up or in binoculars. North is COUNTER-CLOCKWISE from West:


Diagram for determining directions in a Newtonian reflector.

Tip: In Sky Safari Pro, tap the field of view measurement in the upper right and select "Flip: Both" so the chart will match your view in the eyepiece. Note that it might still be rotated somewhat because of your eye's orientation to the eyepiece.

REFRACTORS and CASSEGRAIN telescopes, typically used WITH A MIRROR DIAGONAL, will show the image correct side up but mirror reversed from what you would see just looking up or in binoculars. North is CLOCKWISE from West:

Diagram for determining directions in a refractor or Cassegrain with diagonal.

Tip: In Sky Safari Pro, tap the field of view measurement in the upper right and select "Flip: Horz" so the chart will match your view in the eyepiece.

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Added a new Space Walk Among the Stars - Binocular Edition


Photo of Nikon 10x50 binoculars.
More fun with binoculars! I just added a new Space Walk Among the Stars - Binocular Edition, audio guided tour. This one is for the Winter sky, like the first one, but it uses the brightest star in the sky, Sirius, as a jumping off point to find some really nice star clusters including M41, M93, Collinder 140, M46, M47, M50, NGC 2423, and NGC 2360. 

Give it a try while these are still placed well in the evening once it gets dark, around 9 p.m. EDT. The Moon should be out of the way at that time from about March 28 through April 9, 2024.

Monday, March 4, 2024

Lyra in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LYRA, The Lyre

2D image of the main stars of constellation Lyra.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lyra.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lyra with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lyra.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lyra with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

β                               3.5                960
δ²                              4.3                740
γ                               3.3                620
ε                               4.7                162
ζ                               4.3                156
Vega (α)                   0.0                  25

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Cygnus in 3D

 3D Constellation post index and instructions

CYGNUS, The Swan

2D image of the constellation Cygnus

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cygnus.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cygnus with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cygnus.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cygnus with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)
Sadr (γ)                      2.2          1800
Deneb (α)                   1.3          1400
Albireo (β)                   3.1           430
δ                                  2.9           165
ζ                                  3.2           143
η                                  3.9           135
κ                                  3.8           124
ι²                                  3.8           121
Gienah (ε)                   2.5             73

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Sagitta in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

SAGITTA, The Arrow

2D image of the main stars of constellation Sagitta.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Sagitta.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Sagitta with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Sagitta.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Sagitta with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

δ                              3.8                590
β                              4.4                440
α                              4.4                430
γ                              3.5                258

Cepheus in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions


2D image of the main stars of constellation Cepheus.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cepheus.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cepheus with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cepheus.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cepheus with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

μ                                4.0            2,400
δ                                4.1               870
ζ                                3.3               840
β                                3.2               690
θ                                4.2               136
ι                                 3.5               115
ε                                4.2                 85
Alderamin (α)            2.5                49
η                               3.4                 46
γ                               3.2                 46