Sunday, February 18, 2024

Taurus in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instruction

TAURUS, The Bull

2D image of the main stars of constellation Taurus.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Taurus.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Taurus with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Taurus.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Taurus with labels.


Object                        Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

λ                                     3.4 mag             480
ζ                                     3.0 mag             440
Pleiades (M45)              1.5 mag             430
ο                                     3.6 mag             291
ξ                                     3.7 mag             209
γ                                     3.7 mag             162
δ                                     3.8 mag             156
θ²                                    3.4 mag             150
Ain (ε)                            3.5 mag             147
Elnath (β)                       1.7 mag             134
ν                                      3.9 mag             117
Aldebaran (α)                  1.0 mag              67
10                                    4. 3 mag             46

Orion in 3D

 3D Constellation post index and instruction

ORION, The Hunter

2D image of the main stars of constellation Orion.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Orion.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Orion with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Orion.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Orion with labels.


Object                         Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

Nair al Saif (ι)                2.8 mag          2,300
Alnilam (ε)                     1.7 mag          2,000
M42 (Orion Nebula)       4.0 mag         1,400
π⁵                                    3.7 mag         1,300
Meissa (λ)                       3.4 mag         1,100
π⁴                                    3.7 mag         1,100
42                                    4.6 mag            880
Rigel (β)                          0.3 mag            860
Alnitak (ζ)                        1.7 mag            740
Mintaka (δ)                      2.2 mag            690
Saiph (κ)                          2.0 mag            650
Betelgeuse (α)                 0.6 mag            500
Bellatrix (γ)                      1.6 mag            252
Tabit (π³)                          3.2 mag             26

Lepus in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LEPUS, The Hare

2D image of the main stars of constellation Lepus.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

α                             2.6 mag             2,200
λ                             4.3 mag                850
κ                             4.4 mag                730
ε                             3.2 mag                213
μ                             3.3 mag                186
θ                             4.7 mag                173
β                             2.8 mag                160
δ                             3.8 mag                114
ζ                             3.5 mag                  71
η                             3.7 mag                  49
γ                             3.6 mag                  29

Leo Minor in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LEO MINOR, The Little Lion

2D image of the main stars of constellation Leo Minor.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

30                          4.7 mag                   233
10                          4.6 mag                   185
β                            4.2 mag                   154
46 (Praecipua)       3.8 mag                     95
21                          4.5 mag                     92

Leo in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LEO, The Lion

2D image of the main stars of constellation Leo.

The Pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

η                             3.5 mag             1,300
ζ (Adhafera)           3.4 mag                274
ε                             3.0 mag                 247
θ (Chertan)             3.3 mag                165
Algieba (γ¹)            2.2 mag                130
μ                             3.9 mag                124
Regulus (α)            1.4 mag                  79
δ (Zosma)               2.6 mag                  58
Denebola (β)          2.1 mag                  36

Canis Minor in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CANIS MINOR, The Little Dog

2D image of the main stars of constellation Canis Minor.

The Pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

Gomeisa (β)           2.9 mag        162 
Procyon (α)            0.4 mag           11.4 

Gemini in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

GEMINI, The Twins

2D image of the main stars of constellation Gemini.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

M35                        5.1 mag            3,000
ζ                             4.0 mag            1,400
Mebsuta (ε)            3.0 mag               840
ν                             4.1 mag               540
Propus (η)              3.3 mag               380
τ                             4.4 mag               321
υ                             4.1 mag               271
Tejat Posterior (μ)  2.9 mag               232
θ                             3.6 mag               189
1                             4.2 mag               155
κ                             3.6 mag               141
ι                              3.8 mag               120
Alhena (γ)              2.0 mag               109
λ                             3.6 mag               101
Wasat (δ)                3.5 mag                 61
ξ                              3.3 mag                59
Castor (α)                1.6 mag                51
Pollux (β)                1.2 mag                34

Canis Major in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CANIS MAJOR, The Great Dog

2D image of the main stars of constellation Canis Major.

The Pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

ο²                            3.0 mag            2,800
ɩ                              4.4 mag            2,500
Aludra (η)               2.5 mag            2,000
o¹                            3.8 mag            2,000
Wezen (δ)               1.8 mag            1,600
σ                             3.5 mag            1,100
Murzim (β)             2.0 mag               490
γ                             4.1 mag               440
Adhara (ε)              1.5 mag               410
θ                             4.1 mag               261
ν²                            4.0 mag                 64
Sirius (α)               -1.4 mag                   8.6

Cancer in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CANCER, The Crab

2D image of the main stars of constellation Cancer.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

M44 (Beehive)       3.1 mag                610    
ι                              4.0 mag                330
β                             3.5 mag                303
α                             4.3 mag                188
γ                              4.7 mag                181
δ                              3.9 mag                131

Auriga in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

AURIGA, The Charioteer

2D image of the main stars of constellation Auriga.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

ε                             3.0 mag                2,100
ζ                             3.8 mag                   790
ι (Al Kab)                2.7 mag                   490
η                             3.2 mag                   243
θ                             2.7 mag                   166
Elnath (τ)                1.7 mag                   134
δ                             3.7 mag                   126
Menkalinan (β)       1.9 mag                      81
Capella (α)             0.1 mag                      43

Monday, February 12, 2024

See the constellations in 3D!

2D image of the main stars of constellation Orion.

I figured out how to create stereoscopic image pairs using and decided to render the main stars of various constellations in 3D, starting with Orion.

Maybe it's because I have almost no depth perception, but I have always been fascinated with 3D images- either stereoscopic, where you defocus your eyes and fuse side-by-side image pairs, anaglyphs that use those Devo-ish red and blue glasses, or even animated wigglegrams

I also love a clear dark night when you can gaze up and see the sky as a window out into the universe, rather than stars on a two-dimensional dome, as in the image above. Planetariums used to be like that, before they added all the lasers, images, and fancy stuff. The lights would dim and the sky would appear, as if the dome had been lifted and you were actually looking out into the night sky, and they would highlight the constellations, the ecliptic, the Milky Way...

Seeing the Milky Way as a galaxy viewed from our place in one of its spiral arms, or realizing that the star patterns are mostly just alignments of stars at vastly different distances are very fulfilling experiences. I hope these 3D constellations make it easier to see the sky the way it really is. I will add more as I am able. I've started with Orion, Taurus, and Ursa Major.

Select it from the "Quick hops" on the right or click below:

3D Stereoscopic Constellations

Thursday, February 8, 2024

No telescope? No problem. Try the new Binocular Space Walk Among the Stars - Winter Sky

Nikon 10x50 binoculars.

For those of you without a telescope, or those of you like me who like to observe sometimes with just binoculars, I've added a new Space Walk Among the Stars - binocular edition. 

This Space Walk takes you down through the Winter sky in the south, as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. You'll travel from Taurus, through Auriga, Gemini, Orion, and Canis Major, viewing objects such as the Pleiades, the Hyades, M38, M36, M37, the Great Orion Nebula, M35, and M41, just to name some of the headliners.

As always, the Space Walk includes a chart to get you oriented, but you can just lie back in your chair, grab your binoculars, and follow along with the recording as I guide you through these constellations. Enjoy!

Binocular Space Walk Among the Stars - Winter