Sunday, February 18, 2024

Lepus in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LEPUS, The Hare

2D image of the main stars of constellation Lepus.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Lepus with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

α                             2.6 mag             2,200
λ                             4.3 mag                850
κ                             4.4 mag                730
ε                             3.2 mag                213
μ                             3.3 mag                186
θ                             4.7 mag                173
β                             2.8 mag                160
δ                             3.8 mag                114
ζ                             3.5 mag                  71
η                             3.7 mag                  49
γ                             3.6 mag                  29

Leo Minor in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LEO MINOR, The Little Lion

2D image of the main stars of constellation Leo Minor.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo Minor with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

30                          4.7 mag                   233
10                          4.6 mag                   185
β                            4.2 mag                   154
46 (Praecipua)       3.8 mag                     95
21                          4.5 mag                     92

Leo in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

LEO, The Lion

2D image of the main stars of constellation Leo.

The Pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Leo with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

η                             3.5 mag             1,300
ζ (Adhafera)           3.4 mag                274
ε                             3.0 mag                 247
θ (Chertan)             3.3 mag                165
Algieba (γ¹)            2.2 mag                130
μ                             3.9 mag                124
Regulus (α)            1.4 mag                  79
δ (Zosma)               2.6 mag                  58
Denebola (β)          2.1 mag                  36

Canis Minor in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CANIS MINOR, The Little Dog

2D image of the main stars of constellation Canis Minor.

The Pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Minor with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

Gomeisa (β)           2.9 mag        162 
Procyon (α)            0.4 mag           11.4 

Gemini in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

GEMINI, The Twins

2D image of the main stars of constellation Gemini.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Gemini with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

M35                        5.1 mag            3,000
ζ                             4.0 mag            1,400
Mebsuta (ε)            3.0 mag               840
ν                             4.1 mag               540
Propus (η)              3.3 mag               380
τ                             4.4 mag               321
υ                             4.1 mag               271
Tejat Posterior (μ)  2.9 mag               232
θ                             3.6 mag               189
1                             4.2 mag               155
κ                             3.6 mag               141
ι                              3.8 mag               120
Alhena (γ)              2.0 mag               109
λ                             3.6 mag               101
Wasat (δ)                3.5 mag                 61
ξ                              3.3 mag                59
Castor (α)                1.6 mag                51
Pollux (β)                1.2 mag                34

Canis Major in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CANIS MAJOR, The Great Dog

2D image of the main stars of constellation Canis Major.

The Pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Canis Major with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

ο²                            3.0 mag            2,800
ɩ                              4.4 mag            2,500
Aludra (η)               2.5 mag            2,000
o¹                            3.8 mag            2,000
Wezen (δ)               1.8 mag            1,600
σ                             3.5 mag            1,100
Murzim (β)             2.0 mag               490
γ                             4.1 mag               440
Adhara (ε)              1.5 mag               410
θ                             4.1 mag               261
ν²                            4.0 mag                 64
Sirius (α)               -1.4 mag                   8.6

Cancer in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

CANCER, The Crab

2D image of the main stars of constellation Cancer.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Cancer with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

M44 (Beehive)       3.1 mag                610    
ι                              4.0 mag                330
β                             3.5 mag                303
α                             4.3 mag                188
γ                              4.7 mag                181
δ                              3.9 mag                131

Auriga in 3D

3D Constellation post index and instructions

AURIGA, The Charioteer

2D image of the main stars of constellation Auriga.

The pattern we see.

The 3D version. Click for a larger image (for phones and small screens).


Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga.

With labels:

Parallel view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga with labels.


Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga.

With labels:

Cross view stereoscopic 3D image pair of the main stars of the constellation Auriga with labels.


Object                Magnitude     Dist. (light yrs.)

ε                             3.0 mag                2,100
ζ                             3.8 mag                   790
ι (Al Kab)                2.7 mag                   490
η                             3.2 mag                   243
θ                             2.7 mag                   166
Elnath (τ)                1.7 mag                   134
δ                             3.7 mag                   126
Menkalinan (β)       1.9 mag                      81
Capella (α)             0.1 mag                      43

Monday, February 12, 2024

See the constellations in 3D!

2D image of the main stars of constellation Orion.

I figured out how to create stereoscopic image pairs using and decided to render the main stars of various constellations in 3D, starting with Orion.

Maybe it's because I have almost no depth perception, but I have always been fascinated with 3D images- either stereoscopic, where you defocus your eyes and fuse side-by-side image pairs, anaglyphs that use those Devo-ish red and blue glasses, or even animated wigglegrams

I also love a clear dark night when you can gaze up and see the sky as a window out into the universe, rather than stars on a two-dimensional dome, as in the image above. Planetariums used to be like that, before they added all the lasers, images, and fancy stuff. The lights would dim and the sky would appear, as if the dome had been lifted and you were actually looking out into the night sky, and they would highlight the constellations, the ecliptic, the Milky Way...

Seeing the Milky Way as a galaxy viewed from our place in one of its spiral arms, or realizing that the star patterns are mostly just alignments of stars at vastly different distances are very fulfilling experiences. I hope these 3D constellations make it easier to see the sky the way it really is. I will add more as I am able. I've started with Orion, Taurus, and Ursa Major.

Select it from the "Quick hops" on the right or click below:

3D Stereoscopic Constellations

Thursday, February 8, 2024

No telescope? No problem. Try the new Binocular Space Walk Among the Stars - Winter Sky

Nikon 10x50 binoculars.

For those of you without a telescope, or those of you like me who like to observe sometimes with just binoculars, I've added a new Space Walk Among the Stars - binocular edition. 

This Space Walk takes you down through the Winter sky in the south, as viewed from the Northern Hemisphere. You'll travel from Taurus, through Auriga, Gemini, Orion, and Canis Major, viewing objects such as the Pleiades, the Hyades, M38, M36, M37, the Great Orion Nebula, M35, and M41, just to name some of the headliners.

As always, the Space Walk includes a chart to get you oriented, but you can just lie back in your chair, grab your binoculars, and follow along with the recording as I guide you through these constellations. Enjoy!

Binocular Space Walk Among the Stars - Winter

Tuesday, January 23, 2024

Can we pronounce “Uranus” better?

NASA/ESA image of Uranus.

NASA/ESA and Erich Karkoschka, University of Arizona

Years ago everyone pronounced the seventh planet from the Sun, “Your-ANUS,” emphasis on the “anus.” Okay, it was fun for a while, but then the jokes got really old, so scientists changed it to “URINE-us.” Really? That’s the best they could do- just go from being the “butt” of jokes to the flip side?

I have a suggestion that no one will heed, but I’ll throw it out there anyway. “Oo-RAHN-us, with the emphasis on the middle syllable. This is closer to the ancient Greek pronunciation of roughly “Oo-rahn-OS,” with the emphasis on the last syllable, but it preserves the emphasis that we got used to, while removing the association with excretory bodily functions. He’s an ancient Greek god, for crying out loud. 

Let’s show some respect and bring it at least closer to the original pronunciation. This will get rid of two ugly pronunciations and quell some of the giggling.

I’m going to start calling it that, and I don’t care what people think. Will you join me to promote “Oo-RAHN-us” and make public star parties and science classes a little less awkward (notwithstanding we are a bunch of sometimes socially awkward astro-geeks to begin with)?

Friday, January 12, 2024

How much more will I see with a bigger telescope?

Many visual observers start small. Maybe a 4, 5, or 6 inch reflector, maybe a 60mm or 80mm refractor. Often the more inexpensive telescopes are smaller and they give a person a chance to try out the hobby to see if maybe somewhere down the line a bigger monetary and size investment would be worth it. Parents have also been known to get a small scope for junior, thinking maybe Dad or Mom might like one themselves, too. A decent first scope can make a nice portable second scope even if you move up to a larger one.

Regardless of type (reflector, refractor, catadioptric), aperture is aperture, and the bigger you have, generally the more you’ll see. Why? Because, all else being equal (quality and telescope design being major points), a larger mirror or lens will capture more light, thereby making dimmer objects look brighter, showing more detail, and allowing for the use of higher powers in good seeing, and therefore a larger image scale before the view gets too dim or blurry.

Downsides of a larger telescope are often cost, size, and weight. I always dreamed of having a big truss-tube dobsonian- say with a 20 or 24 inch mirror. Views through those can be spectacular, especiallly in a dark sky. But reality in terms of money, storage room, and ability to tote it around to dark sites or fit it in the car without buying a bigger car precluded ever getting one.

Still, after about 13 years of using my 4.5” reflector, I had a little more discretionary money and wanted the views I could get with a bigger telescope. So 20 years ago, I bought a Hardin 10” Deep Space Hunter dobsonian telescope for a whopping $490 shipped. It came with a Guan Sheng Optics (GSO - Taiwan) 32mm (39x) two-inch barrel eyepiece and a 9mm 1.25” eyepiece (139x), neither of which were as good quality as the .965” aftermarket eyepieces I had for the 4.5”. Most telescopes come with 1.25” focusers, but many now are 2” with an insert to allow use of 1.25” eyepieces. That is the case with my 10”.

My 4.5 inch Tasco 11TR telescope on a homemade dob mount. My Tasco 11TR 4.5" reflector, repainted from the original red and remounted on a homemade dobsonian base.

Telescope set up inside an apartment living room.
My Hardin Deep Space Hunter 10" dobsonian with added swivel table for laptop (now using a Chromebook) and homemade dew heaters.

My upgrade was not just going from a 4.5” mirror to a 10” mirror, with the accompanying light gathering ability, but also to the larger barrel 1.25” and 2” eyepieces. That’s a pretty big jump all told, and I’d like to share with you some of my first observations with the 10” to give you an idea of what more aperture will give you, and what it might take away, if you are contemplating a larger telescope.

Aside from a few sessions on our apartment balcony, my first observing trips with the 10” were out to some club observing sites between 30 and 50 miles from downtown Washington, DC, and back in 2004 they were fairly dark- maybe Bortle 3 and 4. Nowadays they are closer to Bortle 5 and 6, but still a good option to partially escape the ever expanding light pollution. One of the first things I noticed right away just from the apartment balcony was how much more color I could see in stars in the larger telescope.

Here are a few verbatim notes I took at the eyepiece on the first couple of nights that shed some light on the difference in views from the smaller to larger telescope. The sky was partly to mostly cloudy with poor seeing. I’ve added explanatory notes in brackets.

Observing notes:

My first view is somewhere in southern Gemini or northern Orion in the 32 mm eyepiece, and my first thought was, "My God, it's full of stars!" Wow, this is going to be a big difference from the 4.5".

My first object is M35 and NGC 2158 [the former a very large, bright open cluster, the latter a smaller dense one nearby]. Very nice in 39x, though the eyepiece leaves a lot of fuzziness around everywhere but the center, which is to be expected in a fast scope (f/5.0) like this [the 4.5” is f/7.9]. A nice wide view. I can't say I'm particularly impressed with the optics of this scope so far. Maybe it's the eyepieces. For example, with NGC 2158 I'm getting quite a bit of resolution on it- it's more half-moon or L-shaped rather than round, but I'm not getting good pinpoints on the stars. Quite a let-down really after seeing everything so sharp in the 4.5”, even on a bad night.

M37 is very nice with lots of stars in 139x. Just not dazzling, though. Little spots instead of little points. Kind of disappointing.

But looking at M51 [the Whirlpool Galaxy in Ursa Major, a bright, face-on spiral with a smaller galaxy next to it connected by a bridge of material]- that's more like it. That's what I got this thing for- deep sky. Real nice view. Definite spiral structure there, particularly one big bright arm that goes out from the main galaxy toward the smaller one, and then a dark lane inside of that, very well-defined in averted vision. Due east of the nucleus at the base of that arm is quite a bright area. On the SW side another bright knot. It's more difficult to see structure in the western side. But I can see structure in the smaller galaxy. The foreground star in the SW quadrant of the main galaxy is very plainly stellar in this scope. I can't quite make out the bridge between the galaxies.

I'll try M81 and M82 [showpiece galaxies in Ursa Major, one somewhat tilted from face on-M81, and the other an edge-on starburst galaxy with more readily visible detail]. M82 in 139x also very nice. What's peculiar is that it's similar to what I see in the 4.5", but a whole lot easier- much brighter. I'm seeing the same features, but they're much more distinct and I can tell the difference between a fuzzy spot and a star, and can see more detail in the bright sections, too. This scope will be nice for galaxies. I hardly recognize M81. Seems like the core is more prominent than in the 4.5". The galaxy shape is not so much an oval in this scope as a glow that diffuses out more slowly, and the extensions out to the north and south are more elongated. The fuzziness extends out further. No hint at all of any structure in there. Almost looks like an elliptical. A really nice view in 39x of the two galaxies- they fit easily in the 2" 39x eyepiece. M81 is just huge. I'm getting to like this scope a little bit more.

M33 [the Pinwheel Galaxy in Triangulum. This is visually a very large galaxy that can be seen easily with binoculars and may be glimpsed with the unaided eye in a reasonably dark sky.] In 39x it is a smooth fuzzball with a brighter core, no real nucleus to it. Couple of stars within it. In 139x there are two stars just NNE of the nucleus, and the nucleus itself isn't stellar. The rest fades out a bit. I was sweeping around the area, and thought I came up with another galaxy, but it's actually the nebula in M33, NGC 604! Looks like what a 10th mag galaxy looks like in my 4.5. It's slightly N of due west of about an 11th (?) mag star. Just a fuzzy patch, brightens a little bit toward the center. Rough edges, not cleanly round. Can see it now in 39x but it's better in higher power. 

As you can see in the above examples, a larger aperture generally gives better views. However, there are situations where I prefer the 4.5”, for example on planets and double stars, mainly because where I am we rarely get really good steady seeing conditions, so most of the time I have to put an aperture mask on the 10” to make it act like a smaller scope to improve the sharpness of bright objects.

Eyepieces also make a huge difference in terms of sharpness, brightness, viewing comfort, apparent field of view (the viewing angle, i.e., like looking down a narrow tube versus wide open “floating in space” views), and true field of view (how much sky in degrees and minutes you can actually see. I have since gotten better eyepieces for the 10” that make the views more pleasing.

Also, it’s easier to move the 4.5”, so if my back or other body parts are acting up, or I’m just feeling lazy, I may choose to bring the smaller scope, or even stick to binoculars. Ditto if space is a premium in the car, although I’ve managed to fit the 10”, all my observing gear, and all my camping gear in some pretty small vehicles. Where there’s a will, there’s a way! At least to some degree.

All this being said, I recommend using your small scope to learn the sky well and learn what objects look like. Push the scope to its limit and see where it excels and where it falls short. See what difference darker skies make (hint: huge). Then consider a larger scope if it fits into your progression in the hobby, lifestyle, and budget. Some people stay with that 3.5” Questar tabletop scope because it fits them well and makes them happy. Bigger isn’t always better when you add the human factor, which is the most important one.

Saturday, January 6, 2024

AstroHopper - using your phone as a free push-to finder system

 Drawing of phone attached to a dobsonian telescope, locating M41 via the star Sirius.

Screen shot from AstroHopper by Artyom Beilis showing the basic concept.

In my quest for different means of pointing the telescope, I tried a freeware progressive web application called AstroHopper last night with my 4.5-inch Tasco 11TR dob-mounted reflector. This app is designed and supported by Israeli amateur astronomer Artyom (Artik) Beilis, and has been around for several years. It was previously known as SkyHopper. In a nutshell, you load it on your phone, attach your phone to your telescope so the top of the phone points where your scope points, align it with a star, and you’re off to the races. I decided to take it for a spin and see what it can do.

Bottom line:

If you are new to astronomy and got a new telescope, or finally starting to use that telescope that’s been sitting in the closet, and you have a halfway decent cell phone, this app will get you observing. It’s easy and it’s fun. It’s also free!

For visual astronomy, there are really only two ways you can point your telescope:

  1. Manually by pushing or pulling it with your hands or unclamping knobs and moving it around, then clamping the knobs down and using the slow motion controls for finer adjustments.
  2. If equipped, using a computerized mount, moving, or slewing the scope by means of a paddle or controller with arrow buttons.

To actually find something, though, you need to either compare what you are seeing in the finderscope and eyepiece with some kind of chart, be it on paper or an app, have a system that contains a database of objects where you select an object and tell it to “go-to” that object electronically, or some kind of “push-to” system that gives you some indication of either what coordinates you need to dial in or what direction and distance you need to push it to get the object into the field of view. It’s the latter technique that this app uses.

The app runs in a browser but is installed like a regular app, and Artik gives instructions for both Android and iOS phones to install it. While you could just use it by going to the web page when you have an internet connection, I recommend installing it so you don’t have to worry about being somewhere with a signal. I put it on an old phone that no longer has service. I found that Brave browser does not work with it, so I used Google Chrome instead, and that worked [8/15/24 update: except I needed a WiFi connection to start it. Firefox does work without a connection on my phone]. Safari should work. 

Another caveat is that your phone needs to have decent gyro and compass sensors, accelerometers, and GPS. Most phones made within the last decade or so should include these. Make sure location services are turned on.

Once I installed it on my older phone, a Google Pixel 3a XL, I attached the phone temporarily to the top of my telescope so that the top of the phone pointed with the telescope as in the image above from the app. I just used Velcro, but most people won’t want a big honking piece of fuzzy Velcro permanently attached to the back of their phone, so you can try large rubber or elastic bands or other means. Just be sure your phone isn’t going to slide out and hit the ground.

Then it was time to take it outside. I have Bortle 7 skies at best in my neighborhood, and tonight was also getting murkier by the minute. Still, I had enough stars, and Jupiter out, to test the app.

You need to calibrate the compass of your phone first. This entails moving the phone in a big figure-8 pattern (vertically) several times. I found this part a bit finicky, as it took a few tries to get the star chart in the app to be even close to pointing to what it was showing in the sky. Remember, unlike other star charting apps, you don’t hold the screen up to the sky to match it up with what you are seeing. You point the top the the phone toward the object, and if it’s then within the screen view, you’re close enough.

I reattached the phone to the telescope and picked a bright star that was easy to get in my low power eyepiece (50x in this case) just by sighting along the tube of the scope. I chose the orange star Aldebaran, in the familiar V-shaped asterism of the Hyades, in the constellation Taurus. Once centered, I hit “Align” on the app and then tapped Aldebaran on the chart. In a few seconds it did a calculation and centered the dot on Aldebaran. Then I moved the scope around and off of Aldebaran. Now the moment of truth: how close would it actually be when I followed the guiding line back to Aldebaran?

I was pleasantly shocked that Aldebaran was actually again within the 50x field of view, which is nearly a degree in my telescope. So it works! Now the question is, what to look at? I chose the Pleiades star cluster, figuring it would still show through the ever-increasing murky clouds. So I tapped on the Pleiades on the app’s star chart and a circle with a line appeared. At this point, all I had to do was move the telescope in the direction of the line until the circle was centered over the Pleiades. When I looked back in the eyepiece, there were the Pleiades, at least some of them, since they don’t all fit into the 50x field of view.

That’s all there is to it. Once calibrated and aligned on a bright star, the phone’s sensors guide you to a nearby object. It’s important to realign on a new star if your object is outside the area, basically off-screen if you have it zoomed in to just one or two constellations. As Artik explains, you need to re-align every time you move to a different object, although I found that nearby ones will generally still be close to the expected position until you’ve moved a few times. Then the accuracy degrades. But still, it’s not a big deal to re-align and once you get the hang of it, it’s easy. I moved over to Jupiter, re-aligned, and easily found it. The app includes a manual override mode if you just can’t get your phone’s compass to behave. Rather than frustrating, this was actually fun. I like that in an app!

The star chart in the app is quite rudimentary, only displaying the brightest stars and very few deep sky objects. This is a navigation app, not a star charting planetarium app with extensive information on each object, and that keeps it uncluttered. Therefore you’ll primarily be using the search button. Object data that displays when you search for an object includes its designation, magnitude, size, and perhaps common name, for example, “NGC 457, m=6.4, 7’ Owl Cluster”. However, the included database, OpenNGC, includes the entire NGC and IC catalogs- a very large list of deep sky objects. If you want to add more obscure objects, you can do so in the app: Settings > User Objects > edit. Artik explains the formatting in his README file on Github. [8/15/24 update: I found I could create a great custom night mode keyboard with the app "Keyboard Designer" by Gerritt Humberg to get around the default keyboard's lack of night mode. The app takes a while to figure out but is well worth the effort.] 

Because this is not a star charting app, you’ll need a more detailed chart available to decide what objects you want to look for in a particular area of the sky and then search for them using AstroHopper. Then you can refer to the charting app for more information on what you are looking at. Not the most user-friendly experience in that regard, but still quite workable. You will probably need a second device for the charting app, unless you’ve created an observing list in advance, which you can do by going into Settings > List > edit.



With the caveat that I only tried AstroHopper out for about an hour, I would say it’s very useful for someone just starting out who doesn’t know how to find anything, doesn’t have go-to or a plate-solving system like StarSense for navigation, and is having trouble with or doesn’t want to spend time starhopping. It’s also a useful app to have as a backup to your normal object-finding routine, as long as you manage expectations.

However, you have to have a little knowledge of what is feasible for you to look for at your level of experience and in your sky, and where in the sky that might be, hence my recommendation to use a second, more detailed star charting app such as Stellarium (free for the fully featured desktop version), Stellarium Mobile (free) or Plus, or Sky Safari Basic, Plus, or Pro, where objects populate the screen more densely as you zoom in.

A big advantage of freeware like this is that as long as the developer doesn’t get bored with it or sidetracked by, well, life, it will continually improve over time and it’s still free. Despite all those who feel they have to monetize everything, here’s an example of how doors can open up for people if not everyone buys into that ethic. I say give it a try!


Note that AstroHopper does not use the plate-solving technique that something like Celestron’s StarSense system uses. In other words, it doesn’t compare what’s coming into the phone’s camera with a database to determine where the scope is pointed. Instead you align the phone with a star and the phone’s accelerometer and gyro sensors compare the movement of the telescope with the position the app thinks an object should be. Two different systems, both with advantages and disadvantages, and you’re probably not going to get the level of accuracy and sophistication of the StarSense system with this. However, you will get a sense of the way a push-to system works and whether it works for you. You’ll also likely be motivated to learn the sky better. And most important, you’ll be able to find stuff! For me, I’ll stick with my azimuth setting circle and digital angle gauge to push my scope to the coordinates of specific objects. But this will make a nice backup, and will be fun to show at public outreach events.

This is the actual app running in your browser. It will look similar on your phone:

Instructions on installing and using AstroHopper (formerly SkyHopper):

AstroHopper manual:

Artik is also active on the Cloudy Nights forums if you have any questions or comments.